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Independent Learning

“Memory is the residue of thought”

(Daniel T. Willingham, Cognitive Scientist)

Independent Learning Journey

Our Independent Learning journey illustrates how students should study outside of the classroom to help them remember more of what they have been taught.

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6Rs Independent Learning Framework

The evidence-based approaches below are guaranteed to help students know more and remember more:

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Pre-RPA Topic Lists

Students sit termly Retrieval Point Assessments to establish what they can recall under exam conditions. Students are told what topics to revise, keywords to learn and 'Revisit' resources to use when preparing for RPAs. An example of a Pre-RPA Topic List is below:

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Post-RPA Topic Lists

After each set of RPAs, students receive a Strengths & Gaps report showing how they performed on each subject topic assessed.  Students record their personal learning gaps for each subject in their Post-RPA Topic List booklet to inform their independent study:

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Strengths & Gaps Reports

Below is an example of a student's report:

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The animation below demonstrates how students review Strengths & Gaps reports to find their learning gaps:

Reflection Journal

All students have a Reflection Journal used to complete personal reflection and target setting for their:

  • Study skills
  • Learning & progress
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Wider curriculum participation

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The slide deck below guides students through the reflection process:

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Independent Learning Tasks (ILTs)

ILTs are designed to support retention of learning and help develop students’ independent learning skills using the technique outlined above. Students are expected to spend 20-30 mins of focussed time per ILT and are set a maximum of:

  • 1 x ILT per week in English, Maths and Science and 1 x ILT per fortnight in other subjects in Key Stage 3

  • 1 x ILT per week in English, Maths, Science and option subjects in Key Stage 4

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Please use the exams calendar link at the top of this page to see dates of any forthcoming RPAs or external exams.