School Email Addresses
All parents have been allocated an email address similar to your child’s address in google mail.
You may set up a forwarding address to your current email or use the email we have provided.
All parent addresses follow the same format using the childs name.
Jane Smith would be:
- Year 7 =
- Year 8 =
- Year 9 =
- Year 10 =
- Year 11 =
The number is related to the Year your child leaves the Academy.
Once you start using this email address we can:
- Set up SIMS Parent App
- Set up Google Classrooms so you can monitor your child’s Online ILT – you will need to accept once you receive an email.
- You will be able to receive an electronic version of letters
- You will have access to our calendar – add
- We may send out Questionnaires using Google Forms
- You may email staff at the academy
If you have any issues please contact the Academy on 01724 710368 or