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Safeguarding our students is our most important responsibility as a school. We take safeguarding and child protection extremely seriously and our approach to meeting our responsibilities in this area is detailed in our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. This is updated annually in light of changes in legislation and emerging priorities. We work closely with North Lincolnshire Multi-Agency, Resilience and Safeguarding Board when we undertake our policy review. 

Safeguarding children at The Axholme Academy is everyone’s responsibility and all staff who work at the academy receive regular training, including those not directly employed by us (cleaning staff and kitchen staff). This is delivered at least annually and in addition to this there are regular updates for staff via our weekly staff bulletin, staff briefings and during training days.

There are named school personnel that have key responsibilities for safeguarding :
Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Kate Causier
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Doreen Millward
Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor Mrs Nichola Shaw

These personnel receive more regular and detailed training so that they can effectively manage situations as they arise, work with external agencies and provide training to staff and governors.

Supporting parents/carers and students

There are many different ways in which the safety of our students can be threatened both inside and outside school. We want to provide information and sources of support through this part of our website. It is our intention to populate and update these pages regularly.

The blue tabs to the left are labelled with different kinds of safeguarding issues. By clicking on them, you will find information and links to aid understanding, gather information and find sources of support.