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Key Stage 4 – GCSE Music

Course description 

The Edexcel GCSE in Music is designed to allow the study of music through the integration of performing, composing, and listening & appraising, with opportunities to use music technology.

It recognises that we live in an age of cultural diversity and the Areas of Study cover a wide range of music: instrumental music, vocal music, music for stage and screen, and fusions. This flexibly structured course allows students to capitalise on their different interests. It gives students the opportunity to make music, both individually and in groups, to develop a life-long interest in music, and to progress to further study.

Course structure

Unit 1 - Performing:

Students perform 2 pieces, one solo and one ensemble. This unit is worth 30% of the GSCE. 

Unit 2 - Composing:

Students compose 2 pieces of music one is written from a choice of 4 briefs provided by the exam board and the other is a free composition. This unit is worth 30% of the GSCE.

Unit 3 - Listening and Appraising:

Students will develop their listening and appraising skills through the study of music across a variety of styles and genres. The content for the unit is grouped into the four Areas of Study, each of which contains two set works that the students have learnt across the course.

This unit will be assessed through a I hour 45 minutes exam. This unit worth 40% of the GCSE.