Axholme Reads
Reading is key to enhancing student learning. Research has shown that book ownership has a significant impact on life outcomes. In 2019, it was found that children who reported that they had a book of their own were not only more engaged with reading but also six times more likely to read above the level expected for their age than children who didn’t own a book (22% vs. 3.6%).
A 20-year study of children across 27 nations found that children who grow up in homes with many books receive three years more schooling than those who grow up without books, irrespective of their parents’ education, occupation, and class (Evans et al., 2010).
Another study found similar results, where children with access to books can expect a higher income in adulthood than those who grow up with few or no books at home (Brunello et al., 2015)”. National Literacy Trust 2021
Regional data showed book ownership in England was roughly the same across different geographical regions, with the exception of Yorkshire and the Humber, which had the lowest level of book ownership.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every student reads regularly and widely. To overcome the challenges surrounding books in the home, The Axholme Academy is committed to providing students access to a wide range of books and creating dedicated time to reading within the school day. We want every student to find that book they just can’t put down.
To develop a love for reading and reading skills the academy has a range of strategies shown below.
Tutor Led Reading
During tutor sessions years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will have tutor led reading sessions. Tutors will read a text from our canon out loud to the class whilst the students read along in their own books using a bookmark.
Tutor led reading allows:
Teachers to model fluency and the correct pronunciation of unfamiliar vocabulary
Teachers to guide students through challenging texts which they may not yet be able to access themselves, enjoying the pace and rhythm of more advanced stories regardless of students’ ability.
Opportunities for students to engage with interesting, enriching stories featuring sophisticated vocabulary and structures, as well as challenging content.
Exposure to rich vocab and tier 2 vocabulary
Our Academy Canon
The Axholme Academy Canon consists of a variety of books which present our students with developmental challenge in both reading level and subject content - as students move through each year group. Books have been chosen for their quality in: taking students around the world to experience different cultures, enabling students to see life through another's perspective and for their historical importance as pivotal texts during the 20th century.
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Dear time takes place in the last 20 minutes of the school day and allows students to read their own books which they enjoy.
Students are expected to have a reading book with them as part of their non-negotiable equipment.
The suitability of students reading books for DEAR time will be checked by the English department in Literacy lessons
Books for DEAR time can be borrowed from the library
The whole academy participates in DEAR time
Accelerated reader & MyOn
In KS3 literacy lessons students will use Accelerated Reader to do a baseline test to identify their reading ages. From these results students will be directed to books to read at a level suitable for their reading age.
During literacy lessons students will have time to read and quiz themselves on the books they are reading to develop their comprehension skills
MyOn is an online library. All students have access to MyOn. Students will read books online using Myon in their literacy lessons.
Subject teachers may also sign post books to read to support their curriculum area or set reading as an ILT. The books on MyOn link to Accelerated Reader where students can complete the Star Reader quizzes.